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1991 TNG, "Unification", "At Last the Generations Meet", with Spock & Picard, right side of header damaged | 14¼"x20"x54" |
$30.00 |
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1986 TOS, "Star Trek 20 Years 1966-1986 The Only Logical Books to Read", with Spock & 20th Anniversary Logo on Red, #1064476, Folded | 18½"x36½" |
$25.00 | |
1991 TNG, "Crossover", "Two Generations - One Common Enemy", Picard, Scotty, McCoy & Spock, top left corner dinged | 14"x20¼" |
$30.00 | |
1991 TNG, "Unification", Color Art from Book Cover, scraping damage, crease & small hole on sides | 20½"x22½" |
$25.00 |
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Hallmark - 1994 TNG, Klingon Bird-of-Prey Ornament, "As Featured in the Movie Star Trek: Generations" Heavy Stock, Tri-Folded, corner dings, bends, some scuffing | 20½"x30" |
$75.00 | |
Paramount - 1988 TOS, Spock Portrait, Art From "Spock's World" Book Cover | 13"x16" |
$20.00 | |
Paramount - 1984 SFS, "Star Trek III: The Search for Spock $29.95 on Videocassette...", Banner, Folded | 36"x12" |
$20.00 | |
Paramount - 1984 SFS, "Star Trek III: The Search for Spock $29.95 on Videocassette...", Folded | 17"x24" |
$20.00 |
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Jack in the Box/Foodmaker -1994 GEN, "Wall Calendar Poster 99¢", Color Pictures of Picard, U.S.S. Enterprise 1701-D & Kirk | 15½"x14" |
$20.00 | |
Paramount - 1986 TOS, "10 New Television Episodes Star Trek $14.95 Each", with Hanging Enterprise Cut-out | 8¾"x5"x1½" |
$25.00 | |
Paramount - 1987 TOS, "Strangers From The Sky by Margaret Wander Bonanno, the 2nd 'Giant' Star Trek Novel", on an Enterprise Cut-out | 6¾"x4¼" |
$20.00 | |
Paramount - 1998 INS, "Enter the Federation Dream Team Contest…" | 13¼"x 19½" |
$25.00 | |
Paramount/USPS - 1991, "Stamp Collecting is Logical", Space Exploration Stamps, with Spock Cut-out, used, missing stand, creased | 14"x11" |
$10.00 | |
Pocket Books - 1994, "The Star Trek Encyclopedia, A Reference Guide to the Future...", with 2 Levels to Display Books, #0270, used | 9¾"x17¾"x11" |
$35.00 | |
Willetts Design - 1992 TOS, "Coming Soon, Reserve Your USS Enterprise Glitter Dome Now!", with Reservation Pad, used, writing on back | 8½"x11"x4¼" |
$10.00 | |
Winner/Clippinger - 1985 TOS, Dangling Enterprise ONLY From "ST the Television Series-Original and Uncut on Video, $14.95 Each" | 5½"x5½" |
$20.00 | |
Winner/Clippinger - 1985 TOS, "Star Trek The Television Series-Original and Uncut on Video $14.95 Each", with Spock & Dangling Enterprise | 11¾"x7¾" |
$30.00 |
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Jack in the Box/Foodmaker - 1994 GEN, "Free When You Galaxy Size…", with Cut-Out for Cup, Same on Both Sides with Holes for Hanging | 17½"x14" |
$20.00 | |
Jack in the Box/Foodmaker - 1994 GEN, "Movie Collectors' Cup", with U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D Partial Cut-Out, Same on Both Sides with Holes for Hanging, small crease | 24"x10½" |
$20.00 | |
Seven Eleven - 1991, "Collect All 3 Star Trek 25th Anniversary Cups", with 3D Pictures of Cups, Plastic, for Mounting on Slurpee Machine, pinholes all corners, light scratches | 28½"x18½" |
$25.00 | |
TeknoComix - 1995, "Leonard Nimoy's Primortals", Comic Book Advertisment, Back Blank | 6½"x12¾" |
$25.00 |
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Lobby Cards - Paramount 1984 SFS, "Star Trek III: The Search for Spock", Complete Set of 8 | 14"x11" ea. |
$125.00 | |
Poster - GEN, "Boldly Go - Star Trek Generations 11.18.94", Plastic, Made to go on a Light Board, Rolled | 40"x50" |
$75.00 |
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Book Store Display Header - Ace 1992 TOS, "William Shatner - Best Selling Author of Tekwar", "His Electrifying New Novel…", for Book "TEKLORD", edge damage | 23"x19" |
$35.00 | |
Display Box - Hollywood/Leaf 1996 FC, Filled with 1 Very Old Chocolate Bar & 18 Empty Wrappers (Sorry!): Picard, Riker, Worf, Geordi, Troi and Beverly Pictures | 6¾"x2¼"x11" |
$15.00 |